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Studying in Germany: Wide Range of Opportunities

Whether you’re an undergraduate or a postgraduate, Germany has a lot to offer its foreign students. On its Study in Germany Web site, DW WORLD.DE has put together an extensive bank of background information.

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Application and Matriculation

Who handles admissions? Where do I need to apply? What if my degree is not recognized by German universities? Answers to everything from application to admission.

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Study and Resarch hand to hand

At the German universities research and studying go hand in hand. From anthropology to zoology, students can study just about everything. At the university the primary goal is gaining and
increasing knowledge.

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Entry Requirements

The most important thing here is getting the right information and preferably when you are still in your home country and in plenty of time. Tips and advice about entry requirements and visas for foreign students

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Summer, Sun, and studies

Want to study in Germany? Maybe even for a couple of semesters? Students who are looking to stay awhile can find some pretty attractive offers at German Institutes of Higher Education called Summer Courses.

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Temple University in Germany: Intensive German Language

A four week program of intensive German language instruction. Courses are taught at the Herder Institute of the University of Leipzig, a school with over 50 years of excellence in advancing German Language skills and teaching about German culture and civil .



Select your level of study below to see information tailored specifically for you from scholarships to upcoming events to special announcements.

I am:
an undergraduate
a graduate student
a doctoral degree student or postdoc
a faculty member
a DAAD fellow in the US or Canada
an international student not from the US or Canada
looking for program application forms

A thoroughly modern classic City

From Goethe to Schiller, from Liszt to Nietzsche, the classical city of Weimar has played a role in the arts, philosophy and politics. Its reputation continues on today as a cultural centre in Germany.

Universities in Germany

* Aachen University of Technology
* Berufsakademie Ravensburg
* Christian Albrechts University
* Dortmund University
* Dresden Technical University
* Ernst Moritz Arndt University Greifswald
* Europa University Viadrina Frankfurt
* Fachhochschule Fulda
* Fachhochschule Karlsruhe
* Fachhochschule Reutlingen, Hochschule Technik und Wirtschaft
* Frankfurt University
* Freie UniversityBerlin
* Friedrich Schiller University, Jena
* GISMA Business School
* Heinrich Heine University
* Humboldt University, Berlin
* Institut f. Semantische Informationsverarbeitung
* Institut fur Lasertechnik
* Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz
* Julius Maximilians University, Wrzburg
* Katholische University
* Ludwig Maximilians University................