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Good Money Saving Grocery Shopping Tips

Nowadays, Groceries are one of the biggest expenses each month for many families, so here are some simple tips from our readers to help you save money on your groceries. By following the good tips below, alert shoppers can save up to $300 a month off their grocery bills. Are you ready to start trimming the fat off your food bills?

All these tip below that i find it is so realistic tip and i summary from many source site but includes 2 main site : and I hope the good tips below could help you save more money for Grocery Shopping

1. A Little Homework

Planning before you head off to the supermarket will help you shop more economically. Take the time to do a quick inventory of your kitchen to determine the food that you need. Prepare your shopping list and make notations of applicable coupons that you may want to use. Read the newspapers and circulars to find the best deals.

2. Choosing the Right Store

For basic grocery needs many grocery stores now offer excellent product and price selection, frequent shoppers programs and double coupon days. However, when buying in bulk, you may want to tackle the warehouse clubs or superstores. Non-perishable items are often at unbeatable prices at such stores. For the best prices on health and beauty products check the national drugstore chains and superstores.

3. Eat First

Grocery stores know the power of the sweet smell of freshly baked bread. Just one sniff will ignite the appetite and send even the most hardened shopper down the aisle grabbing for anything that looks good. Remember, everything looks good when our stomachs are screaming, "feed me!"

4. Coupons, Rebates, and Frequent Shopper Programs

You can save hundreds of dollars a year by taking advantage of product incentives. Even the less enthusiastic coupon clipper can shave an average of 10 percent off their bottom-line by cashing in a small handful of coupons per trip.

If your store offers a frequent shopper program, signing up for it would be a good idea. You will receive advanced notice of special loss leaders, double-coupon days and other money saving information.

5. Store Brands - Try It, You May Like It

The days of generic type packaging and bland tasting food in store brand products is over. Companies have worked hard to improve their private-label brands and often the taste is equal to the national brands. Do not be afraid to experiment. If you find the product meets your standards, you can save an average of 40 percent off your annual grocery bill.

6. Setting Limits on Impulse Buying

Sticking to a well thought-out shopping list will help cut down on grabbing for things that you do not need. In addition, give yourself enough time to shop will help prevent dashing in and reaching for the first item that you come to. Setting a dollar limit for impulse buying will help soothe cravings without busting the budget.

7. Comparison Shopping

To determine the true value of a product read the unit price, not just the package price. The unit price information is usually on a sticker located on the shelf that holds the item. The package price only tells you the cost of the entire item. The unit price shows the cost per pound, ounce, etc. Taking a moment to compare this information in similar products will help you get the best value for your dollar. Also, be certain to check "expiration" and "use by" dates to insure you are buying the freshest products.

8. Beware of Marketing Strategies

Avoid marketing ploys designed to draw your attention to a particular product. Knowing some of the tricks of the trade will ultimately save you money. Beware of end-of-the-aisle dump bins, island displays, recipe related item placement and middle-shelf items. This is typically where higher priced and impulse products are placed.

9. Learn to Be a Label Reader

Reading the product label is the best way to find out more than what is advertised on the box. Ingredients are listed in order by the quantity actually used when making the product. The ingredients used in the highest quantity are listed first. For example, if you are looking for avocado dip you will want to see avocadoes listed in the first part of the ingredient list, not the last part.
If you are looking to cut fat from your diet, be careful of words such as "lite" or "fat-free" which can have broad definitions. By reading the label you can get a better idea of what the fat-to-calorie ratio is as well as other valuable nutritional information.

10. Watch the Scanner

Keeping your eyes peeled to the scanner has dual advantages. First, it will keep the cashier more alert. Secondly, it will allow you to stop the checkout process if an item is showing the incorrect price. Keeping the store circular nearby is also helpful in disputing an incorrect price. You can also ask the cashier to stop ringing while you accompany the employee to the aisle to check the price of an item.

11. Bulk Shopping

While you should always carefully compare prices first, it can be much cheaper to buy in bulk from a warehouse. Here's a tip for saving money by buying in bulk.

12. Buy Loss Leaders

Here's a tip for saving money by stocking up on loss leaders at the grocery store.

13. Sponsored Links

14. CheapCheap At AyosDito. Phils.' Top Online Marketplace!

15. Acne Gone OvernightWant That Zit Gone By Morning? Everything You Need In The Kitchen

16. Co-op Shopping

If you have one, you can save money by shopping at a grocery co-op.

17. Comparison Shop

You can definitely save money each month on your grocery bill if you do some comparison shopping.

18. Freeze Your Milk

I never knew you could freeze regular milk, but a reader tells how she saves money by freezing milk.

19. Plan Your Meals

Learn how one mom spends under $200 a month on groceries for a family of four by planning ahead.

20. Save on Meat

Here's a tip to help you save money on your meat purchases.

21. Shop at a Farmer's Market

Save on your vegetables at a Farmer's Market.

22. Shop for the Month

Save money on your grocery budget by planning a month ahead.